Saturday, November 7, 2009

The end of 3rd semester.

I really thought that this would have been a tougher semester mentally or brain-wise. But it all seemed like the pieces were falling into place. I was able to understand what-where-why-how. Which makes me feel more competent as a nurse. But even better was the ability to trust my instincts. To know if something seems right or wrong. Like an MD prescribing a beta-blocker for an A-fib pt, calling him on it, and then him admitting the error. I love that the 'dots are connecting.' I am also so excited that even though I could have gone to San Bernardino for my RN, I did not and it turns out that was a good thing. There have been so many nurses and charge nurses and even San Bernardino students saying that no one hires them b/c they are not proficient.
Anyway- the challenge this semester has been personal issues. Remembering my dad, dealing with stress, dealing with new insurance, and of course migraines. Always migraines. With a good review I have realized that I do have an idea of what I am doing. Well, enough of that...
Time to study for my final test for Med-Surg.

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