Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Whole Year!

It has been almost an entire year since I last posted on this here blog. I think time has passed so suddenly that I have forgotten all that is great with writing out thoughts and opinions. With that, I also must say that a post is long over-due.
I am now 8 months of experience into this job/career. And at 6 months and 3 days I was begging for a transfer. I am on the medical/surgical unit, but I can honestly say that I was never meant to be a med/surg nurse. Sure, it is a great place to start, a great place to get skills under your belt... yadda yadda. but I can honestly say that I have often felt the brain cells literally jump from my ear canal every single time I walk onto that floor. I am tired of patients ringing for something ridiculous. I run to their room with the oh-so-desired object and of course I am just not quick enough. This isn't the Sheraton people! Or I never get the message in the first place so 40 minutes later, I am walking down the hall and here comes Mr. So-So shaking his finger and whining that I didn't come fast enough. This is a hospital... If your basic needs are met, then I did my job.
I'm not even going to go into depth on the people that work there. The only thing I will say is, "Didn't we graduate from middle school???"

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