Monday, December 22, 2008

The back story...

For those who have no idea about the road I have taken, this is what I have been through...
It all starts back when I was a kid, I always wanted to be a pediatric doctor. It went as far as knowing by 6th grade that I wanted to go to Cal State San Bernardino for undergrade, UNLV for pre med, and Stanford as Med student. Well, I wised up in high school and realized that Nursing was where my heart truely lay. I had a plan, by best friend and I would do our best in school and get into San Bernardino's nursing program. We were following our plan; taking the classes focusing on sciences, getting good grades. And then life happened, I concieved my first born in the last few months of senior year. I stayed in my small town to raise my heaven sent gift and my best friend continued through school. I started my college road a year later than the rest of my classmates, but I was determined. I took evening courses at part time status. It took me 5 years to do the prerequisite courses (most do it in 2). I applied to the nursing program at a college 40 minutes from my home, because it was one of the best schools around. So here was one of the most exciting things that I have ever heard, "Welcome to the ADN program. Say good-bye to your family for the next 2 years." How funny they should say that... And so the journey begins.

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