Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My day in the Newborn Nursery

I was supposed to be in the OR watching C-sections (c/s), however due to (d/t) the moon or whatever, there was only 2. Normally Friday is a VERY busy day. Not this friday. One of the c/s we were unable to see b/c the father didn't want students in the OR. Whatever!!! Its not like we were doing anything... we literally just watch and try not to get in the way. Oh well, dad is a jerk. So the next one was preterm twins. The NICU was there, and so was the specialty Doc for the little ones. I watched the birth of these two beautiful babies and I thought to myself, 'Wow, that was such a beautiful thing." And it was. One baby did really well, the other needed to be intubated. It was so great that they were able to save them. They both are in NICU one for observation the other just a few days until it's lungs can breathe on their own. It was so crazy to watch these teams do what they needed for these small ones. As I watched them do all the resuscitation and assessments I was trying my best not to cry. I really think that this is where I want to be. Watching the little blue bodies become pink in just a few seconds and helping those babies live, man that would be the BEST. I honestly believe that NICU is my calling.
Later on I was able to sit with babies in the nursery and just snuggle and feed them. I love holding those little ones. I was sitting in a rocker, looked at my fellow student and said, 'man I love this, it almost makes me want one... almost.' It was amazing to see the little differences in attitude between the babies. I think it is so precious. Even more precious was the fact that I was able to clock out at 1530, and go home to sleep. So I am loving the idea of graduating and going into postpartum care, then onto NICU. So here I come little ones...

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